Sunday, March 6, 2011

A common tongue - a common thread?

Let's face it , thanks to massive outside interests and a lot of national self interest we will not see a national or even state language requirement, but at the city level this is within our means.
Let's explain the need.
Out side of hate and anger the primary reason for adopting a shared common language is simple, it allows all persons within the bounds of the nation, state or in our case city to communicate with one another which at present is simply not the case. As such a true communal understanding is simply not possible. We do not share residency, we simply co-habitate. The difference is massive, and acceptable in dictatorships where the say of the common man is of no value, but in a democracy?
Arguably at this moment in time 25% of Americans can not speak English period.(Figure includes the elusive illegal alien and may in truth be a low ball).
This means in essence that 1/4 of the nation simply CANNOT communicate with the other, much less share rule or responsibility.
I would like the see a common tongue for Easton as a matter of city code, which is within our power. I would like to see us empower both ourselves and our fellow immigrants to communicate as a matter of law. To save the racism argument, I'll let my fellow citizens sort out which language, I'll be honest in saying that I'd prefer English, despise Spanish but would accept it to solve the issue...maybe Dutch , Miene Duetchse Ist nicht sher Gut... but I'll make the effort.
If we cannot speak a common tongue, we cannot share a common thread. We sadly will not within at least my lifetime see one at a national level, but we can do so locally. With fines, and such to ensure it's enforcement in the schools, work places and daily life our all of our neighbors.
This I think is the first place to start. I don't think any of you too stupid based on your race, or ethnicity to laern whatever we decide on as a shared tongue, and having to print everything in only one language will save us all some serious money. Esperanto maybe? Linguist from other nations have suggested that this failed because no one enforced it...we could be the first. I ask no one to include myself to give up the tongues of their culture... simply to make a knowledge and use of a shared tongue law in all transactions and public venues within the city of easton.

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