Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Martial/ fighting arts- home defence

If you are a home owner in Easton, then you have certain concerns, not the least of which are burglary, home invasion, assault, rape...well all of that. For most of us the answer would seem to be the hand gun and it is the wrong answer.
Even with a castle law now in effect in our state, the hand gun is a bit overkill, usually hidden , and likely to kill your children more often than the bad guy. A firearm takes years of training to be a valid defense or otherwise becomes a liability.
Hopefully we can get into this deeply. In an effort to incite discussion I will post my youtube Chanel -
Let's see hwere we go from here?


  1. Some voices from the women-

    I am working on making this multimedia,

  2. Okay, so since the video links have failed.
    Let's talk home defense.
    Most experts in the field agree that a layered defense including escape routes is the way to go.
    But what does that mean?
    The answer is to spend a few minutes and walk through your house. Pay particular attention to entrances, exits, dark and hidden spots within the home.
    The question then becomes thinking ahead. Lighting the dark spots, planning around some one unwanted coming through any of the entrances and the safest and fastest way to get either out of the house or into a safe area.
    I know this flies a bit in the face of our manly machismo, but anyone who has any real training knows that being macho just gets people killed. At the end of the day the result we're looking for is to have every one safe and the criminal apprehended by the police.
    to be continued.

  3. With this in mind probably the best all around home defense weapon is the mind of the occupants, and a certain level of preparation.
    The next step up is pepper spray and probably the best all around home package is the- SABRE Pepper Spray Home & Away Protection Kit- available on Amazon for around twenty bucks.

    That being said, the family needs to know the plan and a walk through or two isn't a bad idea, neither is some basic self defense training.
    Jim Wagner's defense course is available for rental through netflix, and is at this time the only defensive course on video that I think is worth watching.
    As far as firearms go , the all around best firearm for home defense is the .410 gauge shotgun. It can hold upto 8 or so rounds, is manageable by almost anyone in the home, is lethal and unlikely to penetrate walls if shots miss the target which is almost always. The .410 can also use .45 cal rounds in sabots and as such can be quite accurate at combat distances.
    This is by no means in depth, but the site might take a while to catch on, so I may yet revisit this subject.
    If an interest presents itself, I'll take this as far as it can go,
